
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sew much to do!

I think it's fair to say that this weekend was our first fall weekend here in southern Wisconsin. We turned on the fireplace, I dug out my wool socks and flannel shirts, switched from white to red wine and made chili for the Packer game today - sounds like fall to me! I love fall so all is good! I had planned to work on my Ghastlies pillow cases this weekend but we had a busy Saturday. This was the weekend of the cocker spaniel fundraiser we have been looking forward to. We woke up around 5am on Saturday to make the two hour trek to the event. My hubby and I both volunteer for the rescue with a bunch of other great folks - we all worked hard yesterday and accomplished a lot. My hubby's favorite job for the event - Mascot.  He loves it!

The weather was cool but not rainy, there seemed to be a lot of people in attendance and an excellent time was had by all. My hubby and I came home with lots of goodies from the silent auction. The dog quilt I made sold in the silent auction too - It felt really good to have made something for the auction.  We have enough dog treats, toys and collars until the next event in 2015. I cannot tell you how cute our Laci and Peanut were when we unloaded the stuff and started unpacking. It was like Christmas for these guys. There are toys laying everywhere right now!  My favorite part about the event was taking our 12 year old Peanut to the lure course. If you aren't familiar with a lure course - it's an instinct testing event where a flag or squirrels tail (fake, fake, fake) is pulled around a large course on a string by a pulley system. Some dogs are in love with the 'chase' - Peanut loved the chase and the catch. For an older guy he bounded after that tail barking all the way until he caught it and then shook it up and then did it again, round and round he went. Laci understood the concept - she chased it but quickly decided it wasn't very lady-like to chase squirrel tails and sniffed the grass instead. They were both cute cute cute in their different ways!

Ghastlies Improv

Last year about this time I made two mini quilts using Ghastlies fabric by Alexander Henry. They ended up being my first improv blocks ever!


I especially like the guy on the right carrying the pink martini! I've had these two guys listed in my shop for just about a year and finally sold them on Friday. The buyer asked that I made three additional mini's to complete the set. Even though it wasn't the Ghastlies project I was planning on, it seemed like pretty good timing. My stuff can always come later (tell that to the material I bought for my purple spring throw pillows)! I got to work today on creating three different mini quilts, starting with the following prints from the Ghastlies fabric

Once I had my girls picked out and cropped from the fabric, I grabbed my scrap bins of orange and grey/black and got to work.

Each one will have a totally different personality. I've put together and ripped apart twice the 'pointing girl' on the left. For some reason her shape is tricky to me... or I just keep making really bad choices with her... maybe she isn't really pointing, but giving me the finger instead (the nerve!). I might take her apart again or scrap her altogether if she keeps it up. Ah hem, the other two are coming along quite nicely.

I also had some time to work on the teal, orange and grey bundle I showed you a couple weeks ago! Here's a little work from today on those pretty fabrics. I've ordered some charcoal grey minky to complete this quilt.

The Ghastlies mini's and teal, orange and grey quilt will be my wip this week. I plan to complete the mini's by Friday and hope to get a solid start on completing the teal, orange and grey quilt with a planned finish of sometime next week for that one.

Getting Linki With

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced Sew Cute Tuesday IMG_6373


  1. Oh, wow, I absolutely love your minis!! The improv look is just perfect to enhance the great fabric in the center! Thanks for sharing it on my blog, at MOP Monday!! :)

  2. I too love the coming of Fall!! Esp switching from the white to red wine! Pretty soon I'll be turning in the lawn mower for the leaf rake and I can't wait! Your mini's are A D O R A B L E! Be sure to share your progress at our upcoming Ghastlies theme at Tuesday ARchives!! V:)

  3. These are wonderful improv blocks and look great as a mini.

  4. Sweet little gals aren't they? Love the improve look.

  5. Love, love your minis and the ghastlies are my all time favorite halloween fabric!

  6. So love your minis and the angles.....really cool.

  7. Love the ghastlies and your minis! What a great use for them, I might have to make a some minis (then I might actually finish a ghastlies project, lol).

  8. At first I thought your husband wore the dog suit on a two hour trek! My JRT would go crazy chasing a fake squirrel tail. I need to search for a local event for him. Love your improv. Thanks for sharing.

  9. These are great. Such a fabulous fabric - I have some hiding out in my stash too. Lovely that the buyer asked for more. Thanks for sharing.

  10. LOVE the Ghastllies!!! Great job! =D
