
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July do.Good Stitches

The colors for our July do.Good Stitches block were so pretty that I couldn't put the fabrics away until I cut up bunches and bunches of it! My groupmate MsMinnesota (link to her blog) selected a palette rich in blues with pops of grey, green-mustard and burnt orange. Almost everyone in our group has an abundance of blue... not me, I'm all about teal but I have made an effort to select different blues to add to my stash since joining the group.

I would not have thought to put these all together but they worked beautifully! She selected the big multicolored plus block below - another block I haven't made before. It was very easy to do and I can't wait to see what she does with it!

While considering whether or not to put the fabric away after finishing my blocks or just letting it sit in the middle of my sewing room I couldn't help but note that these colors would make a great boy quilt... And boy colors are tough to pick! So I selected cluck cluck sews Scrappy Summer pattern which I've admired since Alison blogged about it and whipped up a bunch of these blocks in no time! I'm developing a bit of a habit with these do.Good Stitches blocks and color palettes. I did the same thing for May's do.Good Stitches blocks which were done in red, blue and navy also great masculine colors. Trying new things is one of the fun things about being a part of do.Good Stitches.


The Scrappy Summer patter is such a wonderful pattern! It goes together very quickly and works great for scraps. I used Kona White to make the four-patch blocks which are all strip pieced. 

I assembled 30 blocks and arranged them in a crib size quilt measuring about 40x48 over the weekend. Next up is backing and binding additions. I've been hanging onto these little jellyfish guys for just the right boy quilt...  not sure if this is the one or not! 

And these too - running low on blues again I see! Not sure when when I'll be back to finish this quilt as my son in finishing up his Marines training and we'll be off to see him before he heads off to California to his next duty station.

Link Parti's 

Take a look at the linki parti's I get down with here or by clicking on the Linki Parti's link above. Linking up to Freshly Pieced My Quilt Infatuation Whoop Whoop Friday and Sew Fresh Quilts 


  1. That jellyfish fabric is the cutest. Debbie

  2. Cute, simple, little quilt! I love it!

  3. Such a charming color palette! And I love the jellyfish fabric, it's too cute! :)

  4. Terrific blocks and fabric combinations Heather! And the boy quilt is perfect! I love the jellyfish fabric backing; it makes me smile. The orange sale boats are great too. Whoop Whoop for you today!
    Congratulations big time to your son! Making through Marine training is a huge accomplishment! Has he learned to like eating Spam yet?

  5. Making more than one quilt from a fabric pull was a great idea! Yours looks great.

  6. I agree with Shannon: ride that wave of inspiration! It's great that you're involved with something that introduces you to new techniques and color combinations you wouldn't have explored on your own. Well done!
