
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Postage Stamp Pillow

After finishing up my Sherbet Baby Quilt I still had quite a few scraps and jelly roll strips leftover over in varying lengths. I decided to put together some 9 patch blocks just to see how it went - I thought I might be in for weeks of sewing tiny squares together but I managed to put all the little blocks together in a weekend. Usually I sew my quilts together in rows so first sewing these into nine patch blocks was a first and a very good idea for these little squares. My test project was this postage stamp pillow cover

Usually I make a pillow with leftovers from a quilt... I guess I still wasn't quite ready to commit to a full quilt made with just 2.5 inch squares. Finished squares are 2 inches. This pillow was made with nine- 9 patch blocks and fits an 18 inch pillow. I was able to strip piece many of the leftovers which allowed for some quick block making. So. Much. Ironing! Thankfully I don't mind ironing...

I went with straight line quilting around each seam... and decided that I was not going to be doing that for a large quilt even though I love the look. It took quite some time just for the pillow top. After lots of hmming and hawing I went with Tangerine Leaf from Botanics by Carolyn Friedlander for the backing fabric. I really love this line and especially this print; I have it in every color... although I'm mostly hoarding it! Why is it so hard to part with the prettiest fabrics?!

I wasn't sure if this fabric was appropriate for a backing and I don't think I would use it for the back of a quilt but it works well with the pillow. Plus the leaves fit right in with the birds and flowers from the Up Parasol line used on the front. And of course an invisible zipper in cream!

I am ridiculously happy with that photo of the zipper!

Link Parti's 

Take a look at the linki parti's I get down with here or by clicking on the Linki Parti's link above. Linking up to Sew Fresh Quilts LAFF Whoop Whoop Friday crazy mom quilts Sew Cute Tuesday i have to say and My Quilt Infatuation 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Up Parasol Sherbet Baby Quilt

Oh jelly roll, how you get to me every time... I know I'm not the only one who finds it tricky to use jelly rolls but they keep me on my toes that's for sure! I had a bunch of leftover strips from when I made my rainbow burst mini quilt from a jelly roll of Up Parasol by Heather Bailey. I love the large scale prints in this line but it's hard to showcase them when they've been cut into 2.5 inch strips.

I added in some odds and ends from the Birds and Berries collection by Jessi and Lauren Jung. These two bird loving fabric lines went together just perfectly! The sweet oranges, pinks, greens and teals meshed so well! I could not help but think of sherbet ice cream the entire time I was working on this quilt!

With my deep affection for teal and orange fabrics it's no wonder that I drawn to the two of these collections. I'm so glad I was able to pull them together into one baby quilt! And use up part of my jelly roll.... although I still have a bunch of strips leftover so more jelly roll pondering in my future.

I didn't wash it but I can imagine it with all its crinkly quilty goodness. That pop of hot pink gets me every time!  And darn it, I do love plaid, I was just telling my hubby that I need more good plaid in my life... err, stash.

With all of the busy prints in this quilt I chose a solid binding from Art Gallery Elements.  The backing is by Kate Spain's Joy collection in Mint - although it was part of a holiday collection, it goes perfectly with this spring baby quilt!

I've been a meandering machine lately and again did a meandering quilting pattern.  I'm still perfecting my meandering - the pattern is so quick and universal that I just want to do it over and over!!

If you are wanting to make your own jelly roll squares quilt the center squares are 2.5 inches, followed by 6.5 strips and then 10.5 strips. It does require 'squaring up' after each square is complete. This baby quilt measures 40x40 and goes together super fast!

Link Parti's 

Take a look at the linki parti's I get down with here or by clicking on the Linki Parti's link above. Linking up to My Quilt Infatuation LAFF Whoop Whoop Friday Quilt Story Show Tell Tuesday and crazy mom quilts 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hourglass Crib Quilt

Last months do.Good Stitches block was a traditional hourglass quilt block combined with solid blocks following the Cloud 9 Shake It Up pattern using colors of red, cream, navy and blue. Can you believe I have never made hourglass blocks before! I'm loving this online quilting bee and learning so much!  I had so much fun making these blocks that I didn't want to stop and made an entire crib quilt top in the bat of an eye!

I had so much fun doing the hourglass blocks that I hardly used any solid blocks but did include a few to shake things up a little.

I had very little yardage available for this quilt as these colors aren't my typical 'thing.' I tried adding some sky blue but that was a major fail! I actually ended up buying a handful of fat quarters from my lqs to round this quilt out including the cute animal print from Alexander Henry above.  The navy colored Kona is Windsor, my favorite shade of navy.

I chose a polka dot binding - big surprise I know! But it really was the perfect thing here... isn't it always though?!  The backing is white minky dot. I quilted the hourglass diagonals and ended up with a cute diamond pattern on the back.

I finished this quilt just in time to capture a couple of pictures of our tree flowering in the backyard. Usually they bloom, it rains and they're gone. These little flowers smell so amazing... like summer

Our blocks were a little bit larger than the Cloud 9 pattern. We used 6.5 inch squares for the solid squares and started with 7.5 inch squares for our hourglass blocks. I love the method of making hourglass blocks in the pattern - nearly perfect centers each time - I didn't need to pin at all which I also loved! I sorta want to keep making these blocks over and over; I'm not quite tired of them yet! This quilt measures 36x47 after washing.

Link Parti's 

Take a look at the linki parti's I get down with here or by clicking on the Linki Parti's link above. Linking up to My Quilt Infatuation crazy mom quilts Quilt Story Sew Cute Tuesday and LAFF 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Promise Circle Finished Quilt

I've finished my first do.Good Stitches quilt with the amazing Promise Circle! This quilt was featured at My Quilt Infatuation Needle and Thread Thursday!!

Do you see the green grass up there - spring is really, really here, finally! My month to be the quilter was February; I selected improv log cabins in hot pink, navy, teal, white, mustard and mint.  I'm thinking I may need to do another quilt in these colors soon.

I love doing improv log cabins; sometimes randomness is just the thing!

It was such fun to see the different fabrics and variations of the block from the rest of the Circle.

I quilted in a meandering pattern, my practicing has been paying off! For the binding I selected a textured solid in mustard from Andover, I think the actual color is called Hay Stack which is fitting.

I pieced a backing from solid mint and hot pink flowers with tiny lime colored centers, all from my stash. It feels so good to finish a quilt without buying anything! Just another one of the good things about do.Good Stitches - stash management.

The blocks were 12.5 inches unfinished, some contained one large log cabin and some made up of four small log cabins. The finished quilt measures around 50x68. do.Good Stitches is an online charity quilting bee; this finished quilt will be heading to Enchanted Makeovers. One more indoors shot - these bright colors were tough to capture... probably needed to push more buttons on my camera... which ones though?!?

Link Parti's 

Take a look at the linki parti's I get down with here or by clicking on the Linki Parti's link above. Linking up to My Quilt Infatuation LAF Sew Cute Tuesday Quilt Story and crazy mom quilts