
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Grow Your Blog

Hi and thanks for stopping by while working your way through the Grow Your Blog tour! I haven't attended the party before so hope I don't trip going down the steps or something....

I started my blog late last summer after being a 'blog stalker' for years... I had never even commented on a blog before if you can believe it! I mostly blog about quilts and quilting. After living in Northern Wisconsin all our lives my hubby and I moved to Madison in late 2010 leaving all our friends and family behind. I had been sewing on and off for years but was finding the time to sew a lot! I was spending more time on blogs, pinterist and flickr lurking so I felt it was about time that I join in - and I did! It's great to be able to connect with people who have similar interests. I have learned a ton and have been having a great time getting to know other folks.

Last year I finished 25 quilts. I'm calling 2014 the year of the dog quilt because 8 of those were dog related! The rest of my 2014 quilty finishes can be seen here.

Thankfully I like dogs... enough to include a dog reference in my blog name. The parti in Modern Parti Quilts is a nod to our oldest pup Peanut, aka Mr. P, he's a studly parti-colored cocker spaniel. In just a few days he will be having his 11th anniversary with us; we adopted him January 28 in 2004 when he was a young pup who had been found wandering around in the freezing cold.

One of my favorite accomplishments from 2014 was entering the Bloggers Quilt Festival. My rainbow herringbone quilt was selected as part of the Viewer's Choice!

Anyways, hope you've enjoyed my quick ramblings about my blog! Super big thanks to 2 Bags Full for hosting the Grow your Blog event again!

2 Bags Full


  1. Hi Heather. I want to welcome you to the Grow Your Blog Party on behalf of Vicki from 2 Bagsful. Your link is going to the official sign up page and not the BLog Party page. You need to correct that before 9 pm tonight to continue participating. I will send an email so you can fix it because we do not want you to miss out on any of the fun. If your guests can't link back to the party page it makes it difficult for both parties. I absolutely am amazed at your beautiful quilts. For you to do 25 in the last year is truly a feat. Congratulations on the Viewer's Choice....I love all the colors.

  2. Great compilation of your quilts, such great eye candy!

  3. I added your blog to my blogroll, so I can see what you are up to! I love the bright, happy fabrics you use.

  4. Hi Heather...stopping in from the GYB event. Always enjoy seeing what you are up to.

  5. came over from the grow your blog party, and i knew i'd like what i saw the moment the background loaded. love it! i can't wait to peek through all your projects from last year and see what you have for the future. i've added you to my blog lovin' for sure!

  6. came over from Vicki's and am now following you

  7. Your quilts are so pretty. You've got skills, lady! I look forward to reading more posts about quilting. Your tutorials are so detailed and I like your taste in fabrics :)

  8. Stopping by from Grow Your Blog. Your baby quilt top is gorgeous! Now following you via Bloglovin'.

  9. Your quilts are beautiful. My Hubby and I also left the place we lived all our lives (St Louis) to move to AL about 3 years ago, so we have something in common besides quilting. I am looking forward to following you.

  10. Your quilts are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hi Heather, I'm visiting from GYB and just love your quilts. You certainly had a big year last year, so many quilts. It's amazing just how many quilters are pet lovers, we have more than one thing in common.

  12. It was so much fun seeing your dog-themed quilts! Thank you for inviting us over for a visit.

  13. I love your blog! I am so happy that I found it while going through the GYB Party blogs. I love that you named it after your puppy (he is totally cute by the way!) I smiled when I read your "year of the dog quilts". Too cute! Happy to be a new follower via Bloglovin'!.
    -Brittany @ Pickles Quilting

  14. 2014 was a great year for you and quilting! We have Cocker Spaniels, too! A black one and a Party Cocker who is black and white. Fun dogs! I love your collage of quilts - very good work. Stop by for a GYB visit to my blog at and say 'Hi!'
