
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Silly String Quilt In Progress

Just before the New Year I started a 'leader and ender' project using up a few pink and teal strips from other projects.

After a lot of hmming and hawing and moving pieces around I finally decided on a layout. An original design, yay! I shall call it Silly String. Just because.

I selected a cute print from Life is Tweet by Stephanie Marrot, for the backing and basted it. These polka dot feathers are so cute! The lime and purple give the quilt a little more color too.

And then wouldn't ya' know I couldn't make up my mind how to quilt it. At all! I even took to instagram to get some insta-feedback! Still nothing. I've never had a quilt sit and sit just starting at me for days before....  Phht. Last night I had a few minutes and thought darn it, I'm just going to meander this thing and get it off my floor.... I seriously need some meandering practice anyways!

Not too bad - hardly any square loops this time! I had purchased a Supreme Slider from Amazon and used it for the first time on this quilt. Wow, I have been missing out - no wonder I had square loops, I haven't been able to move my fabric very well. It's hard to know the difference until you quilt with it and without it. I had initially bought the Supreme Slider for quilting with minky which is a little harder to move than cotton fabric. Hope it works this well for minky too! Maybe I can even tackle the pebble or bubble quilting someone had mentioned!

Now onto the binding... which I had selected quite awhile ago while I pondered the quilting. I was thinking of a teal with white pin dot - same fabric in the quilt top.  Although now seeing the backing with the front I'm wondering if lime or purple might work and bring it all together.... Or if that would just be strange?!  I might need to hold an instagram binding audition.

Link Parti's 

Take a look at the linki parti's I get down with here or by clicking on the Linki Parti's link above. Linking up to Freshly Pieced and Sew Fresh Quilts 


  1. May have to give the Supreme Slider a try, although my biggest problem with quilting is gravity and having half the quilt hanging off the table or on me at any one time! I think the teal with white pin dot would be a good binding, but I agree that you should audition a few to find the perfect fabric to complement both the front and the back.

  2. Fabulous backing fabric - supreme slider is on my wish list. How about hot pink for the binding? too much?

  3. Your quilt is very sweet, love those colors together. I think the teal with white dots would be adorable as the binding.

  4. Love the layout of this quilt! It reminds me of a coin quilt with a twist. :) And your meandering looks lovely!

  5. Very sweet quilt. I love your backing fabric.

  6. This is lovely. I think the white with teal dots will look terrific with both the front and the back.

  7. I love the layout as well. Great job on the quilting.

  8. It is darling! And I think the meander worked well with it. I love all over quilting.

  9. I think I have a never-used Supreme Slider in a drawer somewhere. I'll need to give it a try. Love the quilt, and the backing is perfect. It's fun to see what creative people can do with scraps.
